Mini MBA – Leadership Skills – Online
Register to EnrolThe focus of the leader, as well as the team, should be on achieving common goals, whereby leaders must be agile and flexible while continuously developing creativity and innovation in business processes. The focus of the Mini MBA – Leadership Skills program is precisely focused on the development of the most important knowledge, skills and competencies that are necessary for an individual to become a successful manager. The modules on the program are highly interactive and require the dedicated participation of participants and. Regardless of the online environment, the participants will adopt of specific tools and techniques that every top manager must possess by giving an active contribution to the content of the program.
Effective leadership means being aware of your full potential, as well as the areas and skills that need to be further developed and perfected. Trusted leaders are of utmost importance for any organization and for creating effective teams. Leadership skills include a multitude of interpersonal and communication skills related to the development of emotional intelligence, critical thinking, teamwork, successful delegation of tasks, and the ability to make quick but effective decisions. All these skills can be trained, and then the individual leadership style is therfore upgraded so that every participan is able to develop their abilities on the Mini MBA ONLINE program.
Program overview by modules
Content of the training:
- Influence vs. control – exercise
- Individual assignment 10′ – Leadership journey
- Leadership competency mapping
- Situational model of leadership – self-assessment
- Video analysis (individual and team) – leadership view
- Leaders lead – five levels of leadership
Building Your Leadership Skills - Leading and developing a team
Content of the training:
- Seek multiple perspectives – enrich your understanding
- Highly productive teams
- What stage is your team at?
- Video analysis – crisis situations and teamwork
- Developing the team and increasing the efficiency of the team – team assessment
- Power to influence others – analysis of sources of power
Delegating Better and Getting More - Effective delegation
Content of the training:
- Why is delegation important? What happens if I don’t delegate properly? What happens if I don’t delegate at all?
- Different ways of delegating depending on the complexity of the work and the experience of the team members
- Principles of effective delegation
- The importance of knowing the team well when delegating
- What can prevent me from delegating effectively?
- Trust or control?
- Which activities can/do I want to delegate and when do I delegate?
Emotional Intelligence & Self-Control - How to manage emotions and manage conflicts
Content of the training:
- Your Response Ability – Your reaction always depends only on yourself
- Stress Cycle & Stress Illusions – self-analysis of triggers (work/home)
- What happens when emotions overwhelm your consciousness? – group work (breakout rooms)
- Be aware of the presence of EGA – internal and external attachments exercise
- Self-analysis – behavior, fear and identification
- Self control – exercise transformation of emotions – detachment
Leadership Communication - Effective communication from the leader's perspective
Content of the training:
- Communication in a changing world
- Adaptation of communication skills to the environment – persuasion and guidance
- Communicating the vision as a key factor in bringing people together around a common purpose
- Communication consistency adapted to situations
- The leader as a speaker and why it is important
- Developing a personal leadership style of communication
Time and Goal Management - Efficient management of time and priorities
Content of the training:
- Why is time management an enviable managerial skill?
- Time Management Matrix.
- Priorities – which work to take on first: urgent or important?
- Delegation as a way of rationalizing people’s time and motivation.
- What are the five most common time stealers and how to get rid of them?
Giving Effective Feedback - Popular Tactics and Building a Feedback Culture
Content of the training:
- What is feedback and what is feedback not
- How to properly give feedback
- Guidelines for giving effective feedback
- Model of providing feedback
- Two types of feedback – complimentary and corrective
- How to receive feedback
Change Management Strategies
Content of the training:
- The process of change, what are the basic stages we go through?
- Why is there often resistance to change and what can we do?
- How to start with yourself? Is it possible to change without changing ourselves?
- How does my personality affect my change behavior?
- The connection between personal change and organizational change
- What is my adaptability to change? What can I do to increase it and accept changes more readily?
- Psycho-somatic reactions to changes
- How to manage a team in changes?
Participation in the program:
Participants are expected to actively participate and contribute their experiences to the content and quality of education. Regardless of the online environment, lecturers motivate and encourage group and pair work, various methods of knowledge transfer such as videos and quizzes, which require the dedicated participation of participants in real-time education.
In the event of participants’ inability to take part in a particular module, we make it possible to make up for the module with the next generation.
For any further information feel free to contact us:
MEC – Mirakul Education Centre
mobile: +385 91 333 7793
Regular price:
Promo price:
Upon completion of the Mini MBA Leadership Skills program, participants will be rewarded with the Certificate of Completition.